30 by 30 part deux

Let me start by saying that the last few weeks have been a little rough
Winter presses on. no sign of a thaw any time soon. If i don’t feel some sunshine, i might actually lose it.

About a month ago, i started a 30 by 30 “bucket list” and have since had ideas percolating, and then I trie to squeeze a few gems out of dear husband’s brain when I felt like i mentally hit a brick wall (which, these days happens more than i’d like to admit. Hence my blogging hiatus.) I’ve also been fumbling with my new phone (Galaxy Note 3), which is a little ridiculous and i feel like i’m using a banana phone. It has a better photo taking capability than my last, which was the selling point.. Anywho. moving on.



17. take belly dancing classes.
18. Visit the town where I grew up, show the family where i grew up.
19. Read my way through the classics section at Barnes & Noble… or Kindle.
20.  Successfully plant and maintain an herb garden (this also has much to do with our tiny little apartment life, and space is always an issue, but I want to make a point this year to actually get some type of indoor system going. I will not fail this time.. but more on that later.)
21. Put together a cookbook of family recipes.
22. Plan our 5 (and by 30, our 10 year) anniversary getaway
23. Build our scrap book
24. Tour a local brewery
25. Visit NYC
26. Dress up and go to a Renn faire
27. conquer my fear of and master the art of makeup..
28. cross a couple things off my DIY list on pinterest.
29. get a (small) spur of the moment tattoo
30.  (and this is more of an immediate goal but..) rediscover my inner fitness lover… and maybe run a 5k

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